Most frequently asked questions
Shopping Basics
What is the status of my order?

You can keep track of your order at any time by visiting :order tracking
Tracking numbers will be made available within the specified time frames below and will be automatically sent to customers via the email provided in their order.

T-Shirt : 4-7 days after order processing. Mask : 2-7 days after order processing.

Mugs : 4-7 days after order processing. Pillows & Covers : 7-10 days after order processing.

Phone Cases : 7-10 days after order processing. Holiday Picks : 7-10 days after order processing.

Canvas Shoes : 7-10 days after order processing.

Other : 5-7 days after order processing.

How secure is my payment?

We take your security very seriously by verifying each transaction with the credit company and processing only those orders if the credit company so authorizes it. In the case of a suspicious or declined transaction, our company may contact you to confirm the validity and ensure your identity or cancel that order with full notification.

On credit/debit cards, CVV verification is required before any order can be completed. Additionally, most credit cards and Paypal offer buyer protection for online purchases. Please contact them directly for specific details as it may vary from one financial institution to another.

Our website protects your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input at 256-bit strength. This is often symbolized on most web-browsers by a small padlock appearing on the bottom bar of the window and the address of the window changing from https:// to https://, meaning a secure connection. In the event that an order cannot be completed, please contact our Customer Service. If our website cannot establish a secure connection, we will not risk your confidential information (it will not be transmitted).

Shipping & Returns
How much does shipping cost ?

Shipping costs will vary depending on the shipping destination and the number of items that you purchase .
Still have questions?
We will be happy to answer your questions
Via the following mail

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